Install the non-RTX version of the game on Steam.

  • Right-click RE2R on Steam, click "Properties",
    and do the steps in the picture to the right.

Install REFramework.

  • Download the "RE2_TDB66.zip" file in the most recent release here.
  • Extract the contents of that zip into your RE2R game install's folder.

Install the AP client mods.

  • Download the "Source code (zip)" file in the most recent release here.
  • Extract the contents of the "RE2R_AP_Client-x.x.x" folder in that zip into your RE2R game install's folder.
  • (If it asks you to overwrite the "reframework" folder, choose Yes.)

Verify that mods are installed.

  • Open your game normally and click through until you see the RE2R title screen.
  • If you see both a "REFramework" and a couple of "Archipelago" windows in-game, the install worked!

Basic Options

Beneficial Extras

Weapon Customization

Item Removal Challenges

Trap Options


Install Archipelago.


Install the most recent APWorld.

  • Download the RE2R .apworld file from the
    most recent release here.
  • Put that RE2R .apworld file in the
    "custom_worlds" folder of your Archipelago
    (AP) install.

Place YAML in the Players folder.

  • If you haven't generated a YAML yet, go back to the "2. YAML Options" step.
  • Place the YAML (that you generated in the "2. YAML Options" step) in the "Players" folder of your Archipelago (AP) install.

Generate your multiworld.

  • If you are participating in a multiworld that someone else is generating, you can skip this step.
  • Double-click the "ArchipelagoGenerate.exe" in your Archipelago (AP) install to generate your multiworld.
  • If generation succeeded, the console window will close on its own.

If playing solo, you can host locally.

  • Double-click the "ArchipelagoServer.exe" in your Archipelago (AP) install to host your solo multiworld.

Otherwise, host on the website.

  • Go to https://archipelago.gg/uploads and click the "Upload File" button.
  • Navigate to the "output" folder of your Archipelago (AP) install and choose the most recent AP_* zip file.
  • (Optionally, click the "Download" link on this page to get the spoiler log for this multiworld.)
  • Click the "Create New Room" link to start your multiworld room.

Connect to the multiworld.

  • If you haven't installed the client mods for your game, go back to the "1. Game" step.
  • In the "Archipelago Client for REFramework" window in your game, enter the connection details for your multiworld.
  • "Host" will be the host that is shown in the console (hosting locally) or on the website (hosting there).
  • "Slot" will be the player name that you configured in the "2. YAML Options" step.
  • "Password" can be left empty, unless a password was configured for your generated multiworld. (This is usually not the case.)

Start playing!

  • Once you connect, the "Archipelago Game Mod" window in your game will display the Character, Scenario, and Difficulty that was generated with.
  • Start the same character, scenario, and difficulty as you normally would.
  • Enjoy!

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